Ideas Matter

Chicago Humanities Festival


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Chicago Humanities Festival Presents 16th Annual Festival of Ideas Celebrating the Theme: Home and Away

In 2005, the Chicago Humanities Festival examines, through the arts and humanities, notions of place and belonging, of movement and wandering—our desire for rootedness and our urge for beyond. Near and far…here and gone…hither and yon…Home and Away.

Humankind has, from its earliest beginning, sought cover and refuge—first as mere shelter, then as ongoing habitation, ultimately as domesticated residence and “property.” Our earliest forays and journeys were often for purposes of finding newer, better places to pitch our tent, to forge a life, to “make a home.” In fact, the history of civilization is in large part the story of populations wandering and settling, then wandering again—sometimes voluntarily, often in exile. Such migrations, such searches-for-a-home, continue in the present day on both a global and local scale. The 16th Annual Chicago Humanities Festival is set to take place October 29th through November 13, 2005. For un up-to-date listing of year-round programing along with Festival highlights, please check us out on the web at or call us at .