610: FIROOZEH DUMAS: Funny in Farsi (Actually, Funny in Any Language)
Our records show that this program is technically sold out. Due to our attrition rate and inexpensive tickets, it is possible we may have some tickets available the day of the program. However, we cannot guarantee this. If it is a program that you would really like to attend, please arrive at the venue 20-30 minutes before the program is scheduled to begin and check at the ticket desk for availability.
The author of the delightful Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America engages the audience with stories and discussion about one young woman’s journey from Abadan, Iran to 1970s America. Guaranteed to leave you laughing—without an accent.
Program Presenters:
Other Events You May Find Interesting:
Saturday November 13, 2004
12:00 to 1:00 PM
Alliance Française de Chicago
54 W. Chicago Ave.
